Oasis Tea Ceremony
Sharing tea in ceremony is a practice that deeply connects us with nature, ourselves, and one another. Tea is a gentle yet powerful teacher. In the stillness of noble silence, with this heart-centered plant medicine, we create space to turn inward, uncovering the quiet whispers of our heart and soul.
The tea served is either wild or organic, grown with reverence and care, ensuring it carries a powerful qi along with meditative and medicinal qualities. Each selection is unique, chosen specifically for the occasion.
The tea ceremony lasts for an hour and includes space for sharing and reflection. We are offering two time slots to choose from.
TEA at 9:30.
TEA at 11:30
DOORS CLOSE at 11:30
We are a second story walk up. Once registered you will receive a welcome email closer to the event with parking and building access information. Look for that email in your spam box from moc.gnitplucsoruen by Feb 14. @ofnI
About the Facilitators:
Sydney Badik
Sydney began her personal tea practice in 2020, seeking support during a time of internal and external chaos. What started as a search for refuge soon evolved into an unexpected way of life. Sydney studies under the Global Tea Hut lineage, and, of course, from the greatest teacher of all—Tea herself. She is passionate about creating approachable spaces to bring the wisdom of tea, and tea as medicine, to others.
Amelia Broughton
Amelia’s relationship with Tea began at a very young age, shaped by her British upbringing. While her early experiences with Tea differed from The Way of Tea (Cha Dao) she has practiced since November 2023, Tea has always been a thread of connection and beauty in her life. As a Leadership Coach and Facilitator who has held space for a wide spectrum of the human experience, she often reflects that her journey carved deep grooves for Tea to pour abundantly into when the time was right.
A devoted student of the Five Elements and a practitioner of Mythosomatic Qigong, Amelia’s ever-blooming relationship with serving Tea is a natural continuation of the practices that nourish her spirit. She is continually awed by the simplicity and profound connection Tea Ceremony offers to those open to Her gentle power.
- Presale Ticket Cost (Buy online): 25
- Day of Event Cost (Pay at the door): 25
- Neurosculpting Member Discount: 10% off for Neurosculpting members! (Must be logged in to receive discount)
- Oasis Member Discount: FREE for Oasis Wellness Members!
Is the tea safe for anyone?
This is traditional tea that does not contain psychedelic medicine of any kind.
Do I need any experience to attend?
No. We are open to everyone
Is this a religious ceremony?
No. This is not affiliated with any religious dogma
Is the tea caffinated?
Black tea has caffeine.