Lisa's Story

Lisa Wimberger
Founder of Neurosculpting®
I am committed whole-heartedly to my private practice which allows you to get customized meditations and exercises targeted at optimal personal healing. This can be in person, over the phone, or through skype and google hangouts.
To book a private session with Lisa, SEND AN EMAIL
I’ll be candid with you, it was born out of my own trauma and my own desperate need to heal. I was always a child predisposed to the freeze response. In moments of stress or fear, we have three options: fight, flee and freeze. I seemed to like freeze, going quiet and feeling invisible when I was terrified. I’d stiffen and hold my breath during the scary parts of movies. Maybe you know the response.
At 15 I was hit by lightning on my birthday and everything changed. That’s when the freeze response got amplified and became a life threat to my nervous system. I began blacking out that summer, having no real control over when moments of unconsciousness would hit.
Over the years the blackouts worsened so that during recovery it was all I could do to crawl to the bed or lay motionless for hours on the floor. I’d wake up in puddles wondering if I urinated myself. I had no answers and no diagnosis until I was in a routine doctor’s exam in my thirties…by then this condition had been hijacking me a few times a year for fifteen years.
In that routine exam, I had an episode. To my horrified surprise, I woke up to a loaded needle of atropine poised at my heart and a scared doctor ready to plunge it in to give me a jolt to “resuscitate” as he told me. Apparently, I had a seizure and I lost the ability to breathe and had no pulse.
All these years I had been having seizures and experiencing this. I was not epileptic, so the doctor told me there was nothing that could be done but to stay hydrated and manage my stress.
The episodes worsened until the last two traumatic events caused me to commit to creating a meditation modality that would finally help me heal this strange and traumatic nervous system response. I had an episode in front of my daughter in a food court when she was three.
She watched me seizure and flatline. She watched paramedics hover over me talking about the fact that I had no pulse. She, at three, was utterly left alone to watch her mother exit. That moment is a scar that continues to heal.
The last episode I had in front of my husband was the most difficult one to come back from. I stopped breathing multiple times during recovery, simply too tired to do it on my own without his prompting. I knew I wasn’t coming back if it happened again.
Neurosculpting® IS the form of meditation I had to create to help me target an unknown trigger for this condition and rehearse a new script so I could circumvent another episode. It is the culmination of over thirty years of my meditation practice, honed by what neuroscience currently knows about how the brain maps.
Neurosculpting® is the fusion of brain science and mindfulness so even the most insidious mental beliefs can be rewritten. I created this modality and process to save my life. It was out of necessity and love for my daughter and husband that I created this.
Neurosculpting® is a nice catchy term, but it is NOT a fad or a trend. I don’t take it lightly, nor do I have any room for lip service. I spread these techniques from a platform of pure belief in their efficacy and healing power. I created this outside of dogma and institutional influence so that anyone from any belief system could benefit and find healing during their hardest times.
Lisa Wimberger is the founder of the Neurosculpting® Institute and co-founder of the NeuroPraxis App. She holds a Masters Degree in Education, a Foundations Certification in NeuroLeadership, and Certificates in Medical Neuroscience, Visual Perception, and the Brain, and Neurobiology. She is a 7-time author of neuroplasticity and stress management books, including NEW BELIEFS, NEW BRAIN: Free Yourself from Stress and Fear, and NEUROSCULPTING: A Whole-Brain Approach to Heal Trauma, Rewrite Limiting Beliefs, and Find Wholeness.
Her business portfolio includes Kama App, Kids EQ, and consultative services for other wellness tech companies.
She personally runs multiple companies, and has over 45 international Neurosculpting licensees. Lisa still runs a private meditation coaching practice teaching clients who suffer from emotional blocks, stress disorders, and self-imposed limitations. She is a keynote speaker and a faculty member of Kripalu Yoga and Meditation Center, the Law Enforcement Survival Institute, Omega Institute, Shift Network, DailyOm, and 1440 Multiversity.
Lisa began her meditation practice at age 12. Hit by lightning at age 15, and clinically flatlined on multiple occasions, Lisa uses her traumatic experience as a vehicle for transformation. Lisa studied Ascension training for four years with Ishaya monks, completed four years of psychic awareness training, applying the tools of the Berkeley Psychic Institute, and is trained in Autogenic Hypnosis.
Lisa teaches audiences ranging from corporate leaders to FBI and Secret Service. To date Lisa has taught the tools of emotional regulation to thousands of law enforcement personnel and first responders across the country.
Medical Neuroscience – Leonard White, PhD., Duke University
Understanding the Brain: The Neurobiology of Everyday Life – Professor Peggy Mason, University of Chicago
Visual Perception and the Brain – Dale Purvis, PhD., Duke University
The Neurological Origins of Individuality – Robert Sapolsky, PhD., Stanford University
Neurons, Synapses, and Brains – Idan Segev, PhD., Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Autogenic Hypnosis — Norman Katz, PhD., University of New Mexico
Genetics and Society — Robert DeSalle, PhD. and David Randle, PhD., American Museum of Natural History
Sleep: Neurobiology, Medicine, and Sociaty – Ralph Lydic, PhD. and Helen Baghdoyan, PhD., University of Michigan
The Brain and Space — Jennifer Groh, PhD., Duke University
The Polyvagal Theory and Application to Trauma Therapy – Stephen Porges, PhD., NICABM