Neurosculpting Blog
The Transformative Power of Travel: Rewiring Your Brain for Authenticity
In the ever-demanding pace of modern life, many of us find ourselves operating on autopilot, disconnected from our true selves and trapped by routine. But what if the secret to reconnecting with your authentic self lay in the act of travel? Specifically, travel that immerses you in novel experiences and vibrant cultures, engaging your prefrontal cortex in ways that everyday
Vagus Nerve Stimulation: Everything You Need to Know
The vagus nerve, the longest nerve of the autonomic nervous system, regulates vital bodily functions ranging from heart rate and digestion to respiratory rate. In addition to regulating internal organ functions, this nerve participates in vasomotor activity and certain reflex actions. Problems with the vagus nerve induce a wide range of symptoms, including gastrointestinal (GI) issues and changes in heart
The Power of the Pause
The Power of the Pause “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In the space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.” – attributed to Victor Frankl or Steven Convoy Do you ever feel that your life is moving too fast? Do you ever feel like life is too full, too
Neurosculpting for the Gene Keys
What if you combined the powers of meditation, neuroplasticity, and the genetic codes of human consciousness into a single experience? Imagine all the possibilities when you have the keys to sculpt your brain, to unlock your genius potential, and your highest purpose in life in all your relationships. This is what happens when you combine the Neurosculpting practice with the
How to Crush Your Inner Critic Using Neurosculpting®
Nina has cost me tens of thousands of pounds over the years. I’m talking about Nina Nitpicker. My inner critic. She’s like the school bully – a familiar feeling as I was bullied by the popular girls in school due to my weight, big glasses, acne and quiet, studious nature. Nina never has a nice word to say, always judging
Feeling Loved is Our Birthright
Every soul on earth seeks love and acceptance and belonging. When we’re looking for validation outside of ourselves, it may be because we feel like we are not enough, or we are too much, or we have to work hard to be loved, or we are not lovable. When we struggle to believe in our worthiness, we hustle for it,
Strengthening Your Body’s Immune Response through Neurosculpting
Did you know that actively practicing Neurosculpting will enhance your immune response to food and environmental allergies and sensitivities making you LESS reactive? This is amazing! Do you have skin breakouts, reactivity to certain foods, hormones out of whack, feel tired, heart palpitations, trouble sleeping or staying asleep? When your body is chronically in a heightened stress response, your endocrine
Combining Flower Essences and Neurosculpting – By Linda L. Gunter
Flower essences were created in the 1930s, when Dr. Edward Bach developed his Bach flower essences in England – you may have heard of the Rescue Remedy? Flower essences treat the underlying emotional patterns of the body, traditional medicine unfortunately focuses on symptoms. Flower essences, unlike a homeopathic remedy, work because they reconnect the body’s electrical system (primarily the central
The Healing Physics of Attitude – by Anthony Sosa, MA, CNSF
What is your attitude towards life right now? There exist many wise cliches on the unbeknownst power of attitude such as “you don’t see the world as it is, you see the world as you are,” or “your attitude determines your latitude,” or “the way you perceive the world is the way you receive the world.” Victor Frankl who, as a prisoner in
9 Daily Science Practices for Lifelong Integration Pt.1 by Anthony Sosa, CNSF
Integration is the cornerstone of well-being. You can keep yourself well integrated across your whole life journey. With an integrated brain, you have healthy a mind and healthier relationships. Are you interested in scientific studies of neuroplasticity for simple supportive brain-mind practices that anyone can do that will keep your brain growing well like a well-tended thriving garden across your
Stress Resilience and Natural Disasters
We’re experiencing more natural disasters forcing us to cope with the unexpected. Our limbic system evolved to manage our reactions to these emergencies. It automatically turns on the systems we need (the fight or flight center) sending adrenaline to our muscles, our breathing gets shorter, etc. Simultaneously, it shuts down unnecessary systems, blood and oxygen are prioritized away from the core
Becoming your Own Master Neuro-Storyteller by Anthony Sosa, CNSF
Consider, what do humans create that truly lasts and stands the tests of time? One could say that there are at least two things: Children and Stories. Nature continuously encodes memory of itself through the flowing spatial curvature of time by creating child offspring to carry the evolutionary currents of genetics through the biologically held adaptive stories encompassing an array
Meditation and Neuroplasticity Training May Help Reduce Stress and Stop the Cycle of Addiction by Patrick Bailey
Stress is a word many people throw around casually. Many do not realize its very real physical and mental ramifications. Stress is no excuse for addiction, but it can contribute to it. If you or someone you care about is struggling with addiction and can’t seem to escape the cycle of use, there is help for alcoholics and methodologies for
Letting Go by Kelley Seriano, CNSF
I realized I was enough when I started to respect my time and become self-reliant in feeling good. Understanding that feeling good is an inside job. At the same time, there is an attractiveness in vulnerability that is necessary. Having the ability to toggle between the two is a skill. Growing up as a giver, and still today, it’s easy
Finding Your Center by Kelley Seriano, CNSF
Seems like everyday something new is challenging me to hold my centerline – perhaps you can relate? If I allow this to happen, it can be a recipe for an emotional rollercoaster. I mitigate this by checking my bubble each morning to see what is in my space. As I look around my space, I see a large circle around
How to Turn Off Defense and Turn On Problem-Solving in an Argument by Danielle Rachlin, CNSF
How can knowing how our brains work help us during an argument? What are some things we can do based on neuroscience that can help us get through a disagreement? One of the biggest suggestions? Take a break! Parts of the brain you want off/on during an argument The limbic brain is your fight/flight/freeze center. You don’t want this
The Empowering Nature of Vulnerability by Kelley Seriano, CNSF
After all these years, I finally fell into the arms of vulnerability and compassion for self. Six months ago, I found myself telling my now partner all the reasons he wouldn’t want to date me. I am needy; I will want him around all the time; I will be emotional for no reason; and I went very far with this
Fill the Well: Self-Care by Kelley Seriano, CNSF
We all have a ton to get done in a day. The ego can keep our foot on the gas pushing harder and harder. Running from work to working out to doing doing doing. And sometimes it’s not until we crash or get sick that we realize rest and relaxation is needed. It’s a very similar experience when we are
Harnessing the Power of Choice: Know Your Monkey Mind by Susan Aplin Pogue, CNSF
I’ve always loved the phrase “monkey mind.” It evokes so many vivid pictures – you with a tail bouncing back and forth between your legs, not moving anywhere for all your movements; millions of monkeys unleashed in your brain running around like crazy grabbing all good thoughts and gobbling them up like bananas; a creepy mechanical clapping monkey stressed out,
Why You Need Your Zzzs: How Sleep Affects Mental Health by Brad Krause
As you might expect, ADHD, anxiety, depression, and other problems can lead to sleep issues. Sleep deprivation and poor sleep quality can also exacerbate mental health conditions. In one example, Harvard Health Publishing notes that people with insomnia were 4 times as likely to develop major depression compared to normal sleepers. Likewise, the Anxiety and Depression Association of America
5 Top Lifestyle Changes to Adopt in 2020 by Tori Lutz
Many of us are ready to step into the New Year with resolutions about our health and lifestyle! Here’s the 5 Top lifestyle changes to adopt in 2020: Drink more water The importance of drinking lots of water and staying hydrated at all times is one of the top healthy lifestyle changes to adopt primarily since it has many benefits:
When You Don’t Have Time to Meditate by Danielle Rachlin, CNSF
It’s a common obstacle in anyone’s meditation practice. Whether you meditate every day or you’re still trying to find your groove, sometimes it’s difficult to feel like there’s room on the To-Do list for meditation. While you’ll see the most benefit from frequent practice of deep meditation, there are ways to access your practice for those times when your mind
Create Your Life by Kelley Seriano, CNSF
How do you want your life to look? How do you want to feel? What do you need to eliminate to accomplish this today? I work with a ton of clients and the first thing we need to understand is their self talk. It’s great to acknowledge how you feel, even if it’s not positive- yet what are you
Stressed? Just Breathe…
Stressed – Just Breathe! It’s been about a year since I made a commitment to start the process of becoming a Neurosculpting® Facilitator. Since completing in January, I’ve been putting myself out there. It is so much harder to actually put your dreams into action! I start my day with a list of tasks that I commit to completing at