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You are in Control of Your Stories

Our prefrontal cortex regulates attention and thoughts with vast amounts of neural connections and a system of arousal and neurotransmitters. If we take no action, our default system can favor excessive stress response and disease. Science proved that focused attention and a perceived sense of control manipulates these connections and overrides stress and disease. Each time you feel “why me?” ask yourself instead, “what did I contribute to this?”. Then take responsibility by recognizing it, and then by creating a new story. This exercises the prefrontal cortex and sculpts neural connections with the right balance of norepinephrine and dopamine. YOU are in control of YOUR stories.

To learn more about how to rewrite your stories, read New Beliefs, New Brain or visit us here in-person or online for some of our Neurosculpting® classes.

You may be interested in this brief video about this process.

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